Economic Opportunity, Education Success, Early Childhood Success, Essential Needs, Health & Well-Being

Guided by research and data, United Way is focused on and investing in services that support those who are employed, but struggling monthly to afford basic necessities, and families living with income below the Federal Poverty Level.

The single investment process was based on data-driven, objective criteria looking at the type of services provided and the ability to serve the client population (ALICE and BIPOC – Black, Indigenous and People of Color) in key areas identified from data as high areas of need.

 Investment categories for a thriving community: Economic Opportunity, Education Success, Early Childhood Success, Equity, Essential Needs, Health-Well Being.

So, we can begin to make headway against racism and underrepresentation. All of our investments in services and agencies are evaluated on how they incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging into policies, practices, and service delivery.

Promoting inclusiveness and reach, United Way will open the funding application process to Fannin and Grayson County nonprofits providing services across investment categories.

We are more than the fundraisers.

We are the hand raisers. The game changers.

The-stop-talking-start-doing-band-together-and-take-on-the-impossible-task- masters.

No matter the obstacles. No matter the odds.

We surround a community’s most critical problems. And we fight.

We fight for those who need a voice and those whose names we do not know.

United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community.

Because change doesn’t happen alone. Hope isn’t a one-man band. And there’s no such thing as self taught or self made. We have one life. To live better, we must Live United.

Through a partnership with TCOG, a Community Needs Assessment is performed every three years. From that a list of Top Needs for Grayson County is made.

Grayson County, TX Top 5 Community Needs

  1. Affordable Housing

  2. Help with Utilities

  3. Hunger- Food Insecurity

  4. Transportation

  5. Medical/ Mental Health

  6. Childcare/ Early Childhood Education

Community Investment Process

The Community Investment Team (CIT), formed by local volunteers, analyze the most critical needs in our community:

  • Affordable housing

  • Help with Utilities

  • Hunger - Food Insecurity

  • Transportation

  • Medical/Mental Health

  • Childcare/Early Childhood Education

  • Qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofits may apply for program funding based on the visions and intended results in the four areas.

  • The Community Investment Team volunteers review the program applications and participate in presentations by the partner agencies to learn precisely what their programs will do for the community, and how efficient and effective the partner agencies are at meeting the key community needs.

  • After an in-depth review of the partner agencies regarding their programs, the Community Investment Team make their funding recommendations to the Community Impact Committee.

  • The Community Impact Committee consists of local board members who analyze the Community Investment Team funding recommendations, approve and recommend to the United Way of Grayson County Board of Directors.

  • The United Way of Grayson County Board of Directors has the final approval of the funding recommendations.

  • Funded Partner Agencies are required to submit semi-annual reports on the progress of their program’s outcomes. This allows United Way of Grayson County to hold our partner agencies accountable for Grayson County and see the community impact of their programs.

Contact Us


Please call 2-1-1 for local services, available funds and support.

PO Box 1112
713 E. Brockett
Sherman, Texas 75091

Office Number: 903.893.1920

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