Every day in Grayson County 4 babies are born.

Those tiny little human beings are born into wildly diverse circumstances. Some are healthy, some are not. Some have huge extended families full of experienced caregivers, some do not. Some are born into situations that include secure incomes and abundant resources, some are not.

Tiny T.O.E.S.

Regardless of their individual situations, each of these brand new Texans is equally deserving of loving care and the opportunity to thrive.

This is exactly what United Way of Grayson County’s Tiny T.O.E.S. program is working to ensure.

Using a Parent Educator, we accept referrals and conduct home visits that connect parents with community resources and guide them with the hands-on skills they need to help their child and themselves succeeds in school, work, and life.

A child who begins Kindergarten ready to succeed is set on a path that predicts their third-grade reading level, high school graduation, justice system involvement, college perseverance, and adult earning potential. So community investment in early childhood programs results in not only more successful individual citizens, but also significant economic benefits for the community as a whole.

If you are interested in learning more about our Tiny Toes Program, join us for one of our monthly meeting: Family’s First: Coffee & Support. Register here

Sincere appreciation to the Mary Elizabeth Haley Thompson Foundation for their major support of this program.

Your Investment in the Journey

Each individual and every organization here in Grayson County has the power to help shape the next 2,000 days for our youngest citizens. All you have to do is care, engage, and act.

Together, we can do so much to build up our community, its future success, and every one of the 116 babies coming into this world monthly in Grayson County.
Begin today.

Consider a donation of $14/month.

$14/month will service one family.

Less than $.50 per day!

Support the Tiny Toes Program by joining the Fairy Godparent Network.

Join our Band page! Receive notices about specific needs of our families, volunteer opportunities, and much more!

Intake/ Referral Form

Could you benefit from the Tiny Toes program?
Click here to complete our intake and referral form.
Upon submission our Early Childhood Community Navigator will reach out to you.

Contact Us


Please call 2-1-1 for local services, available funds and support.

PO Box 1112
713 E. Brockett
Sherman, Texas 75091

Office Number: 903.893.1920

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